Fluorimetric DNA quantification system
- Format: 1 Unit
- Code: ACC2037
- Technology: Ancillary Equipment
- Application: Accessories
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The quality, integrity and amount of the nucleic acid template influences the performance of the analytical method, and hence the analytical results obtained. The limit of detection of a specific method may therefore depend on the amount of nucleic acids used. Quantitation of DNA is helpful to compare the efficiency of different DNA extraction protocols for a given matrix (repeatability), and to measure the concentration of nucleic acids prior to analysis defining the practical LOD and avoiding PCR inhibition due to excess of a template. The Quantus Fluorometer is a compact, fluorometer designed to provide highly sensitive fluorescent detection when quantifying nucleic acids and is fitting the indications of ISO 21571.
- Format: 1 Unit
- Code: ACC2037
- Technology: Ancillary Equipment
- Application: Accessories
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