SPECIALfinder DigiCount dPCR quantified standard DNA for food allergens PCR detection – Sesame
- Format: 120 µl
- Code: PAV13R
- Technology: Reference material
- Application: Food allergens detection
- Tag/Filter: Sesame
SPECIALfinder DigiCount is a total DNA extract of the allergen (using ION-Force FAST Cat.#EXD001). The number of genomic copies of SESAME < b> was titrated using Droplet Digital PCR in a ISO17034 compliant environment therefore SPECIALfinder DigiCount SESAME is a primary tool to validate any PCR based kit for the detection of food allergens according to ISO17025 indications.
- Format: 120 µl
- Code: PAV13R
- Technology: Reference material
- Application: Food allergens detection
- Tag/Filter: Sesame