MSRV Medium (semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium) for the secondary enrichment of Salmonella acc. to ISO6579
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1272
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Salmonella
MRSV is a semi-solid culture medium for the detection of motile salmonellae from food samples and other test material. The semi-solid medium gives better results than traditional techniques because it enables the migration of Salmonella to form clear opaque halos of growth originating from the place of inoculation. Other strains are inhibited by the magnesium chloride, malachite green, and novobiocin, which are selective agents, and by the incubation temperature of 42°C. SIFIN MRSV is available as dehydrated powder to be supplemented with novobiocin
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1272
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Salmonella