Mycotoxins detection
Mycotoxins are naturally occurring chemical substances produced by molds (fungi) that may contaminate agricultural commodities like nuts, grains and cereals, spices, and dried fruit. Direct consumption of contaminated food and feedstuffs poses health risks to pets and humans. Mycotoxins heavily impacts the productivity of livestock and fish farming and the entry of mycotoxins or their metabolites into the food chain by ‘‘carry over’’ into milk, animal tissue or eggs, for example, should not be underestimated. Many countries have adopted regulations to limit consumer and cattle exposure to mycotoxins. Among the most requested are Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Patulin, Trichothecenes (DON, Zearalenon, T-2/HT-2) and Ochratoxins. Our portfolio includes rapid stick testing, ELISA, immunoaffinity columns and dSPE to fulfil the different demands of cereal elevators, feed and food industry.