Wine Water and Beverages
Beverage industry must constantly monitor the production processes through appropriate analyzes, in order to ensure the compliance of the finished product with the expectations and demands of the consumer and with current regulations, in terms of sensory characteristics and food safety. Based on the chemical composition of mineral water, soft drinks, fruit juices, beer, wine or spirits and the raw materials from which these drinks are obtained, in fact, problems of contamination by unwanted microorganisms or chemical contamination / alterations may arise during the production process and / or packaging, the conservation and transport -. The hygiene of the production and storage environment is certainly indispensable, but it may not be sufficient, in itself, to guarantee the absence of problems. The prevention of these risks, microbiological or not, is possible and desirable. The analytical control of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, ready for packaging, is the most adequate and safe means to reach the goal. Depending on the parameters that must be monitored, it is possible to rely on different methods of analysis. Choosing which ones to adopt involves a careful evaluation of their reliability, simplicity and speed. None of these components can be neglected.