BGBLB (Brilliant Green Bile Lactose) – broth for coliform bacteria enumeration via MPN acc. to ISO4831
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1109
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Escherichia coli and coliforms
Selective broth used as presumptive medium and for confirmation in the enumeration of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms in food products and waters via MPN (Most Probable Number) technique. The principle of the medium relies on the ability of coliforms to ferment lactose with production of gas. This can be seen by using a Durham bell jar. The combination of bile and brilliant green partially or totally inhibits all micro-organisms other than coliforms.
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1109
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Escherichia coli and coliforms