Nemis N-Light kit for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes on surfaces
- Format: 50 Tests
- Code: ACC009
- Technology: Luminometry
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Listeria
Listeriosis is a serious infection that is usually caused by Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteria are exclusively transmitted to humans after consumption of contaminated food. Hot dogs, dairy products, deli meats, and fresh produce are the primary sources for possible outbreaks. Food can be cross-contaminated due to improper hygiene conditions and insufficient cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces. The infection is most dangerous for pregnant women and their new-borns, the elderly, or immunocompromised individuals and recently repeated outbreaks were reported worldwide. NEMIS Technologies N-Light L. monocytogenes assay can detect L. monocytogenes in 24 hours from environmental surfaces when using the NEMIS reader. The results obtained by AOAC on the POD analysis of the method comparison study demonstrated that there were no statistically significant differences between the number of positive samples detected by the N-Light L. monocytogenes assay and the ISO reference method from environmental surfaces. The N-Light tests are powered by the patented AquaSpark technology. Its highly sensitive chemiluminescent molecules are specifically triggering a light reaction only if living Listeria monocytogenes bacteria are present. The robustness of the test is further enhanced by a proprietary enrichment broth containing a unique NEMIS phages mix reducing background bacterial flora ensuring Listeria monocytogenes has the necessary biological space to grow and eventually be detected.
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