Selenite Broth – selective enrichment medium for detection of Salmonella in foodstuff and stools
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1225
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Salmonella
This medium allows the specific enrichment of Salmonella in samples with high bystander bacterial flora. The principle of the medium relies on the ability of Salmonella to develop in the presence of selenite, which inhibits most other bacteria. After a 24 hours incubation the appearance of orangey-red coloration indicates a bacterial growth. It is necessary, however, to carry out isolations on appropriate selective solid media to confirm Salmonella presence.
- Format: 500 g
- Code: TN1225
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Salmonella